Our new group gift is at the store for you to grab.
Is a MEGA pack of 12 bandeau top made of different textures.
You can find light summer fabric, leather, fur and of course latex.
The entire pack is freee yess free for those that are already at our group, for all the rest there is a joining fee of 50 lindens. Nothing really, to get this amazing gift, and besides when the balance of the group reach an amount that can be divided for all group members, everyone gets a part... Yes is true and you don't need to Im me to say there is something wrong, the joining fee is just to make the gifts even more special for all those that are loyal to us.
Come get your free at our main store, if you are already a group member, or come join our group for great presents. This is the perfect time for it, the fee is at its lowest rate :))
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